Thursday 7 February 2013

Special Advice for Single Ladies (A MUST READ)

. Guys love to marry an Independent and Matured lady… So instead of sitting there and waiting to be bluffed by a guy, focus on getting a career that would take you out of the house wife category…
2. Never let the sweet talks of MOST guys deceive you, sometimes all they just want is to have easy access between your legs and run off thereafter.
3. Remove the mentality from your mind that guys will keep springing up to approach you. The older you get by the day, the less toasters you will have.
4. Playing ‘too’ hard to get is the worst thing you should ever start, remember, Nothing lasts forever. If you still doubt, check out the number of matured single ladies looking up to GOD FOR A MIRACLE (Husband).
5. Never extort things from a guy you don’t love, guys always have ways of paying a girl back, either through their FRIENDS or total ‘PAID’ STRANGERS….BE CAREFUL.
6. Never be deceived you can trap a guy through sex. A man will also return to his wife who sex starves him for years once he loves and trust her. You can never win a man over with your body.
7. If all you take to the relationship is the mind set to EXTRACT MONEY from him, don’t complain if all he ask from you is your body. He has seen you have nothing else to offer…
8. Don’t be fooled when Guys tell you they have never met a prettier girl, they will say that same thing to an 80year old woman they want to get intimate with.
9. A guy always taking you to the SILVER-BIRD, FAST FOOD (pizza in or galitos), MALL AND EVENTS AT CONFERENCE CENTER/NATIONAL THEATRE is no sign that he loves you, if he doesn’t care to ask and PLAN YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER then you are just his ‘SOCIAL MATE’ and nothing else….
10. If the only time he invites you over is when he needs to cook, clean the house and do his laundry, then just know you are his “executive house help”.
11. If he avoids meeting your family and close friends then it is an obvious sign he is just playing games with you.
12. Don’t always change the tv station from NTV to CHANNEL O, MTV and Fashion TV. Take time to find out what is bothering him and how you can help out.
13. If the only places he doesn’t frown when you enter are his bedroom and kitchen then know you aren’t welcome (only being used).
Have you noticed that most of the ladies that end up being emotionally abused are the ones at the receiving end… Always with open arms, requesting for something and ready to receive… The more you widen your arms, the more he widens your legs.
A grown up guy who gives the excuse about his parents being wild when he brings female visitors to the house is a sign that HE HAS A SERIOUS GIRL AND HAS INTRODUCED HER TO HIS PARENTS ALREADY… ADVISE YOURSELF…
FINALLY, I ALWAYS SAY THIS AND WILL REPEAT IT AGAIN… It’s better to be sitting in a taxi smiling happily than to be in your husband’s fresh air conditioned BMW x6 with bruised eyes wearing a fresh Gucci shades alongside a Burberry scarf….

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