Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Surprising Factor That Could Lead To A Better Marriage

A new study suggests that teens who get along well with their families are more likely to have successful future marriages.

The study, published in the journal Psychological Science found that 7th graders who experienced more positive engagement with their families also showed more positive engagement in their marriages 17 years later.
Their spouses also demonstrated more positive behavior, and both partners experienced more relationship satisfaction than those who experienced a more negative family environment as teens.
The study did not specify whether or not the teenagers were raised with married or divorced parents. Data was gathered from individuals participating in the longitudinal Iowa Youth and Families Project.
The researchers evaluated the participants' family interactions based on five characteristics: listener responsiveness, assertiveness, prosocial behavior, effective communication, and warmth-support.
Other teen experiences have also been found to impact marriage. A 2011 study found that women who lost their virginity as teens had a higher divorce rate than those who waited longer to have sex.

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